Mita Orthopedic Clinic is an orthopedic clinic located in Shiba, Minato-ku. We provide treatment for non-life-threatening injuries, such as sprains, fractures, minor cuts, and other similar injuries (We accept patients with or without Japanese insurance). We also provides medical services including ongoing care such as treatment of gout, osteoporosis, and multiple other conditions.
Mitsuwa Mita Bldg., 5-1-13 Shiba, Minato-ku,Tokyo
(Nearest station are Mita sta., Tamachi sta., and Akabanebashi sta.)
Consultation hours
Open:Monday-Friday 9:30-13:45, 15:30-18:15
Closed:Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays
Doctor’s profile
Dr. Naoko Takatori is Japanese medical doctor who attended Chiba University Medical School and University of Pennsylvania (Foot and Ankle specialisation). She specialized in Orthopedics (foot and ankle).
If you have not found a regular general orthopedic doctor yet in Tokyo, we can help! We can also provide referrals to specialist if required.(e.g. St.Luke Hospital, Keio University Hospital)